Addressing the Root Cause of Illness

Clover Kreger

Woodlands Healing Centre

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I'd rather flee than fight thee

by Clover Kreger

In a classical stand-off
they freeze some fifty feet apart
one sphinx-like, one neatly upright
black back a silky slide
white-tipped pedestals
Each ready to go off like a sling shot
poised, waiting for their opponent to make the first move
The long-haired, brown-backed, sphinx-like, semi-tabby cat
feigns finding an all-encompassing interest in the hedge
The black and white one seems to have an advantage
and moves in; sits; moves in; crouches, hisses
The sphinx, intently staring off into the bushes,
without a glimmer of warning leaps neatly
into the plants - to disappear completely

Moral: make light of mortal fear
Distract the enemy - then disappear


A Selection of Poems by Clover Kreger

The Unicorn of Morn

The Kites

The Radiance and The Pain

I'd rather flee than fight thee

Nascent Morning in the Mountains

Rabbit On


In Transient Flashes, For a Transcendental Moment which Passes, Life (Can't You See?) Is an Ecstasy

The Sun God

The Remarkable Cat

The Fit Cats and Fat Whores of Singapore

Tactile Deprivation

When Lost in Literary Labyrinths. . .

All Fineness and Finery Goes to Earth

Statuary Round the Room

With the Voluptuous Imagery of My Private Mythology,
to Free the Prisoner, I Scaled the Citadel

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© Copyright 2007 Clover Kreger

Disclaimer: The information at this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The content of this website comprises only the observations and opinions of the authors and contributors: it does not constitute medical advice to readers.

